I grew up in a tiny house that was always filled with people. I mean not an extreme tiny house where you build your home inside an old bus or a chimney or trash bin, but a home with small rooms and a kitchen - wait for it - without an island (gasp!). So, not actually tiny by today’s global...
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I haven’t seen my teenage daughter in three and a half months. This was my choice. I sent her to live with her biological father because we were stuck in what seemed to be a broken and abusive dynamic, and I wanted it to change and I wanted to heal. For me, at this time, this is what love looks...
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Three years ago (perhaps not so coincidentally after the 2016 elections in the United States) my family decided on an international move. The time was right as we felt our home country was becoming more hostile, more racist, and decidedly less like a place where we wanted our children to grow into adults. So, I googled things like “Happiest Place...
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Marriages are not working. They are, for the most part, broken. Half of all marriages end in divorce. Marriages need an expiration date. I can only speak to marriages in the United States, because that is what I am familiar with. But, I can certainly speak to that. Now, I am not bragging or anything, but I have been married...
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Leading an unapologetic life is kinda my thing. It is what I strive for and encourage others to strive for as well. I think the world is a better place without shame and guilt, and I don’t care who knows it! But also, it comes at a price. Here is the thing about the Mangiacotti-Miller family: we covenant to make...
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Let’s talk about the Power of the Pussy. Girl power! Creators of life! Nurturers of the Universe! Formidable Forces of the World! Oh, there is nothing we can’t do!!! Except, maybe believe that narrative. Since, according to 2016, women seem to have trouble supporting a female president, let’s start looking at why. Yes, we may self-identify as Wonder Women, wear...
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I am developing curriculum for a class on intimacy and relationships and I tried out one of the pieces with my students at school this week. If I was going to talk about developing deep and rich friendships, I thought we first needed to unpack some of our baggage. So I start my first lesson writing on the board: (Yes,...
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Sometimes it is hard to remember that you actually get to select the things you care about. There are a lot of causes to rally behind; a lot of traditions to follow; a lot of people who think "there is only one right way to do things" - and you are not obligated to care about any of it. It is...
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Somewhere in my early thirties I was having dinner with a friend I have had since Kindergarten and the topic turned to our evil junior high school Phys. Ed. teacher… Ms.Bickleman Oh yes, that was her name. I know it seems like Rohld Dahl or Charles Dickens made up that name, but I promise it was real. And oh man,...
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I have a cousin named Chickie. Don’t judge. When you have Irish and Italian families, everyone is named Mary or Maria and at some point, to disambiguate, you need to get funky with the names. Anyhoo, I spent a lot of years really mad at Chickie. Like almost 20. I spent almost 20 years angry with a woman who was...
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Karen Mangiacotti

Karen is an outspoken comedian, writer, artist, teacher, speaker, podcaster, Mom of seven children, and an adventurous thinker. She is a strong advocate of mindful thinking, asking for what you want, and living an empowered life. Karen speaks with expertise and humor on gender issues, parenting, homeschooling, autism, co-housing, sex and sexuality, positive self imagery, and being ridiculously happy and super-cool.
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